Sadie Lapp plans a surprise return to Stoney Ridge after a visit to Ohio. Little does she know that part of the surprise will be on her. Although her family is delighted to see her, little sister M.K. starts a rumor fire with unthinking remarks about Sadie's baggage.
Shy Gideon Smucker is delighted to know Sadie is back in Stoney Ridge, but every move he makes around her only seems to upset her. He suspects her chilly attitude toward him has something to do with the wildlife intern living on the Lapps’ farm.
Will Stoltz, the intern, discovers Sadie to be refreshingly different from the girls he’s known, and before long he finds himself looking for excuses to spend time with her. However, he’s hiding a secret that will endanger his position on the Lapp farm, as well as betray the trust Sadie’s family has placed in him.
The Haven is a delightful story of a family who lives by their faith and love for one another. In these days of ever more graphic fiction in the general market, I found
The Haven to be just that—a haven of gentleness. I wish I could sit down at the supper table with the Lapps and absorb some of the peace that fills their lives.
I give
The Haven two thumbs up, and recommend it for family reading.
My thanks to Revell for providing my review copy.