Penniless and alone, Ada Wentworth travels from her home in Boston to accept a job as a companion to an elderly woman in Hickory Ridge, Tennessee. The War Between the States has only been over for a short time, and once Ada arrives in Hickory Ridge, she finds that many townsfolk are not willing to accept a Yankee in their midst.
To add to her difficulties, the woman she’s hired to attend, Lillian Willis, is crotchety and critical of Ada's every effort. As Ada struggles to master cooking and cleaning, tasks she's never had to perform, her one bright spot is Miss Lillian,s nephew, Wyatt Caldwell.
Wyatt is the owner of a successful lumber mill in Hickory Ridge, but his heart remains in his home state of Texas. Between his desire to return to ranching, and Ada’s plans to open a millinery shop in Hickory Ridge, the two of them seem destined to travel separate paths.
In Beyond All Measure, Dorothy Love has crafted a beautifully detailed story of life in the aftermath of war. Her descriptions of Hickory Ridge left me feeling I’d spent time in Tennessee.
If you’re of lover of historical romance, Beyond All Measure is sure to captivate your imagination. I found myself sneaking spare moments to read when I should have been busy with other things. I think you’ll enjoy this story, too.