In Every Heartbeat explores the lives of three best friends who grew up in the same orphanage and have been granted scholarships to the same college. Libby Conley’s heart’s desire is to become a journalist. The other two orphans, Pete Leidig and Bennett Martin, have conflicting plans. Pete has always dreamed of being a pastor, while all Bennett wants to do is belong somewhere—no matter what the cost.
During the course of her goal to excel at journalism, Libby makes a shocking discovery that threatens Pete’s ambitions. This discovery sends each of the three friends down unexpected paths. The twists the story takes from this point will keep the reader engrossed.
In Every Heartbeat examines the hurts that Libby, Pete and Bennett carry within that propel them toward their diverse goals. The novel is set just prior to World War One, and Sawyer adds excellent detail to make the time period come alive. Fans of Sawyer’s historical fiction will fall in love with In Every Heartbeat.
I love the cover picture! If you’ve already read this book, I’d love to hear from you with your thoughts on the story.
(My thanks to Bethany House for providing my review copy.)